Учебно-методическое пособие Под редакцией к ю. н профессора И. А. Горшеневой Москва Мосу мвд россии 2009 ббк кузнецова, Н. Н - umotnas.ru o_O
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Учебно-методическое пособие Н. Новгород 2011 ббк 74. 5 В 12 2 591.49kb.
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Учебно-методическое пособие Под редакцией к ю. н профессора И. А. Горшеневой Москва - страница №5/6

Упр. 6. Вставьте пропущенные слова, представленные ниже. Запишите соответствующие пары цифр в тетради.

  1. The Metropolitan Police Force was … in the 19-th century.

  2. The Metropolitan Police is the largest … force in Great Britain.

  3. A police station in London is usually under the … of a Sergeant.

  4. The first rank in the British police system is … .

  5. The main responsibilities of the police are …of criminals, … of stolen property, protection of personal … .

  6. The main branches of the Metropolitan Police are the …, and the … police.

1) liberties; 2) arrest; 3) police; 4) uniformed; 5) established; 6) recovery; 7) Criminal Investigation Department; 8) constable; 9) control.
Упр. 7. Закончите английские предложения в соответствии с содержанием текста С

  1. The first British Police Force is … .

  2. The term the Metropolitan Police Force is abbreviated as ... .

  3. The Met was established in … .

  4. The Metropolitan Police is controlled by … .

  5. The Metropolitan Police District is divided into … .

  6. Each sectional police station is under the control of … .

  7. The Metropolitan Police Force consists of 2 branches: … and … .

  8. Other branches are … .

  9. The names of police ranks are … .

  10. The duties of the police are … .

Упр. 8. Перескажите текст о Лондонской полиции по-английски по нижеприведенному плану, используя представленные сказуемые.
1. Создание столичной полиции. (was established)

2. Контроль за полицейскими подразделениями. (are controlled).

3. Территориальное деление района Лондонской полиции. (is divided).

4. Отделы столичной полиции. (are).

5. Полицейские звания. (are).

6. Обязанности полиции. (are).

Упр. 9. Переведите текст без словаря. Скажите, какие подразделения полиции функционируют на каждом из 3-х уровней управления.
Policing in modern American society takes different forms. On a national scale (масштаб), there are several different types of police agencies, each with its own jurisdiction and special functions.

The major types of police agencies can be divided into three major branches of government: federal, state, and local (city and county).

The federal law enforcement system includes such well known agencies as the Federal Bureau of Investigation, National Park Service (служба), Border (граница) Patrol, US Post Inspector, and many more.

Law enforcement on the state level includes the state police or highway (шоссе) patrol, drug control agencies, investigative bureaus, and others.

At the level of local government the police agencies are the largest law enforcement group. These agencies include municipal (city) police, county sheriff's offices, constables and village (сельский) police departments.

Municipal police departments have their own organizations with several different divisions, each with specific functions. In most departments there are four major divisions: 1. field operations (patrol, investigation, traffic, youth (молодежь) divisions, special operations, etc.); 2. administrative services (community relations, planning, etc.); 3. technical services (communications, records, etc.); 4. inspectional services (internal affairs, intelligence, etc.).

Упр. 10. Подберите к английским словосочетаниям ниже приведенные русские аналогии.

  1. Department – a. департамент, министерство;

b. управление;

c. служба, отдел, отделение;

sheriff's department, municipal department, municipal police department, university department, the Department of Defence (Pentagon), the Department of Justice, the Department of Commerce, the Department of Interior.

  1. Enforcement осуществление, проведение в жизнь (закона).

Law Enforcement – правопринуждение, полиция;

enforcement of federal laws, county law enforcement organizations, law enforcement authorities, federal law enforcement system.

3. State – a. государство, штат;

в. состояние, положение;

state of war, financial state of a person, a federal state, the United States, the state police, state service, a sovereign state, nervous state, the fifty American states

4. Intelligence – a. ум, интеллект, умственные способности;

в. сведения, информация;

с. разведка;

intelligence report, Intelligence Service, intelligence division, intelligence officer, intelligence agent, intelligence branch; intelligence test, a person of good intelligence, high intelligence, limited intelligence; to collect intelligence, secret intelligence.

Упр. 1. Прочитайте слова вслух, обращая внимание на сочетание «qu», которое читается как [kw]

qualification, to qualify, quality, quantity, quarter, queen, question, quorum, equal, equipment, to equip, squad, headquarters.

Упр. 2. Подберите русские эквиваленты данных интернациональных слов

communication, computer, constable, division, examination, expert, helicopter, information, laboratory, motorbike, museum, office, press, record, recruit, secretariat, statistics, transport.

Упр. 3. Перепишите, переведите на русский язык и запомните следующие слова

access, advanced, aid, big, black, to charge to come, to divide, equipment, exhibit, facilities, fingerprint, firearms, forensic, to found, headquarters, metropolitan, missing, mount, movement, palace, promotion, road, safety, science, staff, to stay, supplies, surveillance, time.

Упр. 4. Перед чтением текста 13 обратите внимание на перевод следующих словосочетаний

Flying Squad – «Летучий отряд» Скотланд Ярда. Отряд немедленного реагирования;

Royalty – члены королевской семьи;

Criminal Record Office – архив уголовных дел;

plain clothes officers – (зд.) сотрудники в штатском;

sophisticated laboratory – лаборатория, оснащенная современным оборудованием.

Упр. 5. Прочитайте текст. Расскажите, что такое Скотланд Ярд, из каких отделов он состоит и какой отдел является самым известным.


Scotland Yard has for many years been the headquarters of the Metropolitan Police Force. It is the largest police force in Britain with about 27,000 people working there.

Scotland Yard is called so because its building is situated on the place of a palace where in old times the Scottish Kings stayed while visiting London.

The work at Scotland Yard is divided among some Departments. They are:

«A» Department – Administration and Operations. Its branches deal with missing persons, duties in the Divisions, movements of the Royalty, promotion, woman police, mounted branch, special constables.

«B» Department – Traffic and Transport. This Department is responsible for road safety, traffic legislation, police driving school.

«C» Department – Criminal Investigation (CID). The Department is charged with all aspects of crime with such well-known branches as Special Branch, Criminal Record Office, Fingerprint Department, Flying Squad, Forensic Science Laboratory.

«D» Department – Organization and Training. Its nine branches are responsible for supplies, buildings, Training Schools, communications, civil defence, recruiting, dogs.

«S» Department – Secretariat. Its branches deal with civil staff, firearms, pay, statistics, police orders, Press and Information.

«L» Department – Legal. It is responsible for legal advice proceedings and prosecution.

The biggest and most well known branch of Scotland Yard is the Criminal Investigation Department. It was founded in 1878 and its plain clothes officers do only crime investigation.

The British police now use the advanced modern equipment. This ranges from motorbikes and squad cars to helicopters. The police equipment includes the most advanced surveillance aids, and instantaneous access to the Police National Computer and the facilities of the Forensic Science Service. This service directs highly sophisticated laboratories where legally trained experts perform the scientific examination of exhibits.

New Scotland Yard has the «Black Museum». This museum has exhibits from many well known trials.

Упр. 6. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту

  1. What is Scotland Yard?

  2. Why is it called so?

  3. How many Departments are there in Scotland Yard?

  4. What Department is the most known?

  5. When was CID founded?

  6. What advanced modern equipment do CID police use?

  7. What can one see in the Scotland Yard «Black Museum»?

Упр. 7. Определите, из каких компонентов образовались данные сложные слова

fingerprint, firearms, blackmail, headquarters, kidnapping («nap» от «nab»-воровать), shoplifting, lawmaking.

Упр. 8. Переведите следующие словосочетания с выделенными словами на русский язык

record – запись, регистрация; протокол; судимость;

to have a police record, criminal record, to make a police record, to make a record of facts;

squad – отделение, команда, расчет, группа, отдел, подразделение;

flying squad, passport squad, drug squad, squad leader, squad car

staff штат сотрудников, штаб, корпус;

office staff, teaching staff, staff members, to be on the staff, the General Staff, staff work, staff officer, diplomatic staff;

equipment – оборудование, оснащение, снаряжение, экипировка;

the equipment of the laboratory, modern equipment, the advanced equipment, car equipment, military equipment, police equipment, sports equipment, expedition equipment;

aid – помощь, содействие, поддержка;

aids вспомогательные средства;

first aid, to give first aid, to come to the aid of a person; training aids, technical aids;

sophisticated – сложный, усложненный;

sophisticated apparatus, sophisticated techniques, sophisticated experiment, sophisticated laboratory equipment.

Упр. 9. Выберите предложения, соответствующие содержанию текста. К предложениям с искаженной информацией дайте правильный вариант.

1. Scotland Yard is the Headquarters of the Metropolitan Police Force. 2. Scotland Yard is situated in the capital of Scotland – Edinburgh. 3. The Criminal Investigation Department is charged with detective work. 4. The CID was created in the 19-th century. 5. The abbreviation CID stands for the words «Criminal Identification Department». 6. The Secretariat of Scotland Yard is responsible for patrol and traffic service. 7. The Criminal Investigation Department is the section of the British Police which investigates serious crimes. 8. The Forensic Science Laboratory does examination of evidence.

Упр. 10. Переведите предложения на русский язык, выбирая соответствующее значение слова «charge»

a charge – 1 обвинение; 2 нападение; 3 ответственность;

to charge – 1 обвинять; 2 атаковать; 3 вменять в обязанность, поручать, возлагать ответственность.

1. The suspect was arrested on different charges. 2. He is charged with stealing a car. 3. This officer is in charge of a police station. 4. The chief charged the office staff with neglecting their duties. 5. What is the charge against him? 6. The police officer denied the charge that he had taken bribes. 7. The dog charged me. 8. The minister was charged with an important mission. 9. They fabricated various charges against this man.
10. The police are charged with the task of protecting the innocent. They must also protect people charged with crime from personal injury.

Упр. 11. Подберите русский перевод (В) к названиям подразделений уголовного розыска Скотланд Ярда (А)


1. Major Investigation Reserve which investigates murders and other serious crimes

1. Подразделение по борьбе с мошенничеством

2. National Central Office for the suppression of Counterfeit Currency

2. Подразделение по борьбе с.тяжкими преступлениями и организованной преступностью

3. Extradition, Illegal Immigration and Passport Squad.

3. Центральное аналитическое разведывательное управление

4. Central Drugs Squad

4. Подразделение по борьбе с террористической деятельностью

5. Stolen Motor Vehicle Investigation Squad

5. Главное следственное управление по расследованию убийств и других тяжких преступлений

6. Serious and Organized Crime Squad

6. Специальная служба по сбору информации о подрывной и террористической деятельности

7. Central Robbery Squad

7. Отдел по расследованию угона автотранспорта

8. Central Intelligence Branch which collects and analyses information on important active criminals

8. Подразделение по вопросам

экстрадиции, незаконной

иммиграции и выдачи паспортов

9. Fraud Squad

9. Отдел по пресечению

разбойных нападений

10. Special Branch which collects information about subversives and movements of suspected terrorists

10. Главное управление по

борьбе с фальшивомонетни-

чеством в валютной сфере

11. Anti-Terrorist Branch

11. Центральное подразделение

по борьбе с незаконным

оборотом наркотиков

Прочитайте тексты и выполните упражнения к ним

Упр. 1. Переведите текст со словарем

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (the FBI) is an office of the US Department of Justice, serving as both a federal criminal investigative body and a domestic intelligence agency. At present, the FBI has investigative jurisdiction over violations of more than 200 categories of federal crimes. The motto of the bureau is «Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity».

The FBI's top investigative priorities are:

to protect the United States from terrorist attacks;

to protect the United States against foreign intelligence operations and espionage;

to protect the United States against high-technology crimes;

to combat public corruption at all levels;

to protect civil rights;

to combat transnational/national criminal organizations and enterprises;

to combat major white-collar crime;

to combat serious violent crime;

to support federal, state, local and international partners.

The agency was established in 1908 as the Bureau of Investigation (BOI), and the name was changed to the Federal Bureau of Investigation in 1935.The director of the BOI, J. Edgar Hoover, became the first FBI director and served for 48 years. After his death legislation limited the term of office of the future directors to a maximum of ten years.

Under Hoover the FBI became one of the world's greatest law enforcement organizations. He opened a technical and scientific laboratory, identification division, set up a lot of Local Training Schools for Special Agents. The FBI National Academy in Washington instructs law enforcement officers in modern crime detection methods. The program at the Academy includes firearms and ballistics, investigation procedure, police tactics, physical training and self-defence, photography, preservation of evidence, fingerprint identification, criminal law, mathematical analysis, public speaking, psychology, sociology and others.

The Bureau has always received co-operation from law enforcement forces throughout the country. Without this help the work of the FBI will be difficult. The authorities of the Bureau have always believed that effective law enforcement is possible only if scientific training, careful selection of personnel and co-operation among police agencies is established.

Упр. 2/ Дополните устно предложения согласно содержанию текста.

1. The FBI is an agency of the Department of …. 2. The FBI is a criminal … body and a domestic … agency. 3. The FBI investigates over two hundred categories of … crimes. 4. The Bureau of Investigation (BOI) … in 1908. 5. Edgar Hoover was the … director of the FBI. 6. Now the directors of the FBI cannot head the Bureau for more than … years. 7. The FBI National Academy teaches police officers the crime … methods.
8. The FBI gets … from other police offices of the USA. 9. The effective law enforcement is impossible without … training, … … of personnel and … between police agencies.

Упр. 3. Переведите текст со словарем.


The International Criminal Police Organization (ICPO) is a non-governmental organization facilitating international co-operation. It was established in Austria in 1923 as the International Criminal Police Commission and adopted its new name INTERPOL in 1956.

Its membership is 186 countries (2008). The organization's headquarters are in Lyon, France. The governing body of Interpol is the General Assembly which meets once a year. It takes all major policy decisions and approves finance, working methods, instruments of co-operation, and programmes of activity.

Interpol is not an executive agency with international detectives who investigate some international «cause célèbre» (важные, знаменитые дела), but it is an international communication system between different police forces. Its work focuses on public safety, terrorism, organized crime, war crimes, illicit drug production, drug trafficking, weapons smuggling, human trafficking, money laundering, child pornography, white-collar crime, computer crime, intellectual property crime and corruption.

Each member country of Interpol maintains a National Central Bureau (NCB) staffed by national law enforcement officers. The NCB is the contact agency for the Interpol General Secretariat requiring assistance with overseas investigation, and the location and apprehension of fugitives.

Упр. 4. Переведите текст без словаря


Europol (European Police Office) is the European Union's (EU's) criminal intelligence agency. Europol began its activity on 1 July 1999. Its headquarters are in the Hague. Its membership is 27 member states of the European Union.

Europol has no executive powers. It is a support service for the law enforcement agencies of the EU member states. Europol officials do not conduct investigations in the member states or arrest suspects. Europol gives help in law enforcement activity with its tools – information exchange, intelligence analysis, expertise and training.

Europol supports the law enforcement bodies of the member states in their fight against: illicit drug trafficking; illicit immigration networks; terrorism; forgery of money (counterfeiting of the Euro) and other means of payment; trafficking in human beings (including child pornography); illegal vehicle trafficking; money laundering.

Europol helps to overcome the language barriers in international police co-operation providing specialists in different languages.

Упр. 5. Составьте предложения, дополнив их данными об Интерполе и Европоле. Сравните данные

Interpol 1. is an abbreviation of … .

2. was established in … .

Europol 3. has a membership of … .

4. is not an … organ.

5. focuses its work on … .

6. helps countries' law enforcement agencies to fight against...

Упр. 6. Переведите текст без словаря.

(purposes, principles, organs)

The United Nations Organization (the UNO; the UN) is an international body originated on October 24, 1945.

The United Nations members are states. The Charter (Устав) is the main document of the UNO which determines the structure and functions of the Organization.

The purposes of the United Nations are: to maintain international peace and security; to develop friendly relations among nations; to achieve co-operation in solving international economic, social, cultural and humanitarian problems and in promoting respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms.

The official languages of the UN are English, French, Russian, Chinese and Spanish.

There are six main organs of the UNO: the General Assembly, the Security Council, the International Court of Justice, the Trusteeship Council, the Economic and Social Council and the Secretariat. The headquarters of the UN is in New York.

Упр. 7. Перескажите текст D по-английски по следующему плану:

  1. The date of birth of the UNO.

  2. The main document of the UN.

  3. The purposes of the UNO.

  4. The official languages.

  5. The main organs of the UN.


Упр. 8. Читая текст Е, найдите английские эквиваленты данных русских словосочетаний. Выпишите их и запомните

  1. Миротворческие подразделения полиции

  2. уголовное правосудие

  3. права человека

  4. подразделения гражданской полиции

  5. миротворческие операции ООН

  6. основные обязанности

  7. контроль над правоохранительной деятельностью местной администрации

  8. выполнять задачи

  9. полное уважение

  10. общепринятые права

  11. строго соблюдать (закон)

  12. дух и буква (закона)

  13. быть руководством к (действию)

  14. справедливое (законное) осуществление уголовного правосудия

  15. вносить вклад во что-либо, содействовать чему-либо

  16. защита прав и основных свобод человека

  17. основные принципы

  18. строго необходимый

  19. чрезмерное (применение силы)

  20. в исключительных случаях

  21. последнее спасительное средство

  22. законные основания

  23. задержанные (арестованные) лица

  24. обращаться с кем-либо по-человечески

  25. вооруженные конфликты и беспорядки.



(an extract)

The international standards and norms involving basic principles of criminal justice, human rights and humanitarian law should be used by the civilian police components during United Nations peace-keeping operations.

One of the main responsibilities of peace-keeping police is to monitor law enforcement activities of local officials, so that they carry out their tasks with full respect for universally accepted humanitarian rights and criminal justice standards.

The United Nations personnel should be an example in strictly adhering to the spirit and the letter of these principles. The United Nations operations must be a guide for effective and fair criminal justice administration.

The UN peace-keeping police activities should contribute to a more effective promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms.


Force should be used only when strictly necessary and not excessively.

Firearms should be used exceptionally and only as a last resort.

Arrests should be made only on legal grounds and when necessary.

Persons in detention should be treated humanly.


Victims of crime should be given assistance.

Victims of armed conflicts, riots and other disturbances should be protected.

Упр. 1. Прочитайте вслух следующие слова, обращая внимание: 1) на чтение производных слов; 2) ударение в словах

1) commerce – commercial; policy – politician

finance – financial; office – official.

2) e'conomy, e'conomist, eco'nomic, eco'nomics, eco'nomical.
Упр. 2. Подберите русские эквиваленты данных интернациональных слов

bank, bankruptcy, basis, to block, business, card, capital, category, code, commercial, corporate, credit, document, fictitious, financial, to focus, group, metal, monopolistic, normal, to register, resources, to transport.

Упр. 3. Перепишите, переведите на русский язык и запомните следующие слова

above, avoidance, bribe, to buy, competition, consumer, to counterfeit, deliberate, exchange, evasion, failure, to forge, fraud, gem, goods, graft, ground, hate, illicit, imprisonment, intentional, issuance, land, laundering, liable, to manufacture, to mark, market, to mention, mostly, to obtain, precious, to provide, to relate, to return, revenge, securities, to sell, smuggling, stock-market, to store, thus, trademark, wrongful.

Упр. 4. Перед чтением текста 14 ознакомьтесь со следующими словосочетаниями и запомните их

the breach of economic freedom – посягательство на свободу экономической деятельности;

to prevent business activity – препятствовать экономической деятельности;

to block market competition – препятствовать рыночной конкуренции;

illicit deals in land - незаконные сделки с землей;

business-related bribes – взятки в сфере предпринимательства;

non-licensed goods – нелицензированные товары;

stock-market rules – правила деятельности фондовой биржи;

issuance of securities – эмиссия ценных бумаг;

deliberate bankruptcy – преднамеренное банкротство;

to forge securities – подделывать ценные бумаги;

business fraud – мошенничество в сфере бизнеса;

issuance of a title – выдача документов, устанавливающих право собственности на что-либо;

criminal means – преступные средства и способы;

provocation of bribery – подстрекательство к даче взятки;

foreign exchange resources – валютные источники;

deliberate avoidance – намеренное уклонение (от чего-либо);

repayment of credit – уплата кредитной задолженности;

wrongful acts неправомерные действия.
Упр. 5. Переведите текст на русский язык.

People commit crimes for many reasons: love, hate, politics, revenge. But mostly, they commit crimes for money. Money is at the basis of economic crimes.

The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation focuses on four categories of economic crimes.

The first group of such crimes includes the breach of economic freedom that prevents normal business activity or blocks market competition. The authorities can prosecute officials for blocking up lawful business activity and registering illicit deals in land. Illegal monopolistic actions in the market, and business-related bribes are also dealt with in the code.

The second group concerns consumers' rights. It is against the law to manufacture, buy, store, transport and sell non-licensed goods.

The third group deals with financial crimes. Any violation of financial and stock—market rules provides grounds for criminal prosecution. Thus, violation of regulation on the issuance of securities, forging credit cards and other payment documents, and deliberate bankruptcy are included in this category. Forging government or corporate securities is considered to be a criminal activity too.

The fourth group deals with the state's economic security. Smuggling, counterfeiting, money laundering, illicit operations involving precious metals and gems are punishable under the Code. The grounds for prosecution include business frauds, illegal banking operations, issuance of a title to land, property and capitals which were obtained by criminal means.

There are other activities that are also considered to be economic crimes:

bribery in business;

provocation of bribery or commercial graft;

tax evasion by individuals;

tax evasion by organizations;

failure to return foreign exchange resources from abroad;

deliberate avoidance of repayment of credit;

wrongful acts in bankruptcy;

intentional bankruptcy;

fictitious bankruptcy;

unlawful use of trademarks.

All the crimes mentioned above are liable to punishment by a fine or an imprisonment.
Упр. 6. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту

1. For what reasons do people commit crimes?

2. What is the basis of economic crimes?

3. How many categories of economic crimes does the Criminal Code of the R.F. focus on?

4. What types of economic crimes are included in the first group?

5. What are the financial crimes?

6. What crimes harm the state's economic security?

7. What punishments are economic crimes liable to?

Упр. 7. Повторите формы данных неправильных глаголов. Переведите глаголы и предложения на русский язык

to break – broke – broken; to buy – bought

can – could; to sell – sold

to deal with – dealt with; to pay – paid

1. The young man broke the law and was imprisoned. His whole life was broken.

2. She bought some gems. The bought gems turned out (оказались) to be forged.

3. The firm sold many consumer goods at the market. The goods were sold at high price but they were non – licensed.

4. The student paid for his studies at the University but didn't attend classes. He was busy at his work. It was a highly paid job.

Упр. 8. Переведите сочетания и предложения с выделенными словами на русский язык

1) to consider рассматривать, полагать, считать;

to consider a proposal; the considered proposal; consideration.

1. The proposal is now under consideration. 2. We considered him to be a clever man.

2) counterfeit – подделывать, поддельный, подделка;

to counterfeit coins; a counterfeited coin; a counterfeit.

1. The clerk counterfeited his chief's handwriting. 2. This ten dollar note is a counterfeit.

3) to forge – подделывать;

to forge payment documents; the forged payment documents; a forger, a forgery.

1. This trademark is a forgery. 2. He forged the payment documents.

4) to be liable быть обязанным, подлежать чему-либо;

to be liable to pay taxes; to be liable to punishment; liability.

1. Men are liable for military service. 2. In Britain police are not liable to carry arms. 3. This criminal is liable to punishment by an imprisonment.

5) to mention упоминать, ссылаться на что-либо,

to mention some facts; the mentioned facts;

1. The witnesses could mention the man who sold non – licensed goods. 2. He mentioned no facts.

6) to obtain – получать, приобретать;

to obtain a prize; the obtained prize.

1. He obtained his knowledge by hard studies. 2. The information obtained by the police was very important.

7) to provide for – предусматривать;

to provide for normal market activity; to provide for lawful business activity; to provide for economic security; to provide for legal banking operations.

This contract provides for payment in cash (наличными).

Упр. 9. Переведите данные словосочетания на русский язык

1) bribery in business, judicial bribery, business-related bribes, provocation of bribery;

2) breach of the law, breach of justice, breach of the peace, breach of contract;

3) security of a person, state economic security, national security, personal security, to live in security; government securities, corporate securities, issuance of securities;

4) business fraud, to take money by fraud;

5) tax evasion, local taxes, direct taxes, income tax, land tax, court taxes, to collect taxes, to pay taxes;

6) avoidance of payment, avoidance to return money.
Упр. 10. Выберите из представленных словосочетаний противоправные действия

to bribe an official, to give bribes, to take a bribe, to exchange bribes, to offer bribes, to return a bribe; to counterfeit dollars, to counterfeit securities, to counterfeit handwriting; to forge a credit card, to forge the results of the competition, to forge gems, to forge government securities, to manufacture goods, to manufacture false evidence, to smuggle drugs, to smuggle precious metals, to store fruits of a crime, to store goods, to store forged money, to store gems.

Упр. 11. Назовите слово, которое выпадает из предложенного ассоциативного ряда

1. To forge, to bribe, to pay, to violate, to counterfeit.

2. Lawful, wrongful, illicit, fictitious, illegal.

3. Bank, revenge, market, credit, money, stock market.

4. Money laundering, smuggling, fraud, forger, tax evasion.
Упр. 12. Подберите к словам из колонки А синонимы из колонки В


1 to counterfeit 1 land

2 graft 2 illegal

3 ground 3 to make goods

4 to hate 4 violation

5 illicit 5 intentional

6 deliberate 6 bribery

7 to manufacture 7 a trading centre

8 market 8 to forge

9 breach 9 to dislike.

Упр. 13. К видам экономических преступлений на английском языке (колонка А) подберите русские названия статей уголовного кодекса Российской Федерации (колонка В).


1. Wrongful Acts in Bankruptcy

1. Незаконное использование

товарного знака (ст. 180)

2. Tax Evasion

2. Преднамеренное банкротство (ст. 196)

3. Intentional Bankruptcy

3. Злостное уклонение от погашения кредиторской задолженности (ст. 177)

4. Provocation of Bribery or Commercial Graft

4. Невозвращение из-за границы средств в иностранной валюте (ст. 193)

5. Unlawful Use of Trademarks

5. Неправомерные действия при банкротстве (ст. 195)

6. Deliberate Avoidance
of Repayment Credit

6. Провокация взятки либо коммерческого подкупа
(ст. 304)

7. Failure to Return Foreign
Exchange Resources from Abroad

7. Уклонение от уплаты налогов ( ст. ст. 198, 199)
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