Тесты по грамматике английского языка для начинающих - umotnas.ru o_O
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1. Английский язык. (Интенсивный курс), Вып. 1-10 2 389.47kb.
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Неправильные глаголы английского языка 1 153.05kb.
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Изучение английского языка на южном побережье Англии для взрослых... 1 54.92kb.
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Викторина для любознательных: «Занимательная биология» 1 9.92kb.

Тесты по грамматике английского языка для начинающих - страница №1/2




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Е.Ю. Шутова

Английский язык

Учебно-методический комплекс

Тесты по грамматике английского языка для начинающих

Тюмень, 2010

Шутова, Е.Ю. Английский язык. Учебно-методический Комплекс. Тесты по грамматике английского языка для начинающих. – Тюмень, 2010. – 70 с.

Тесты предназначены для текущего контроля знаний по английскому языку студентов 1 курса естественнонаучных специальностей и направлений. Основная цель учебно-методического комплекса – проверка усвоения грамматического материала студентами, начинающими изучать английский язык.

Тесты по грамматике английского языка для начинающих опубликованы на сайте ТюмГУ: http://www.umk.utmn.ru.

Учебно-методический комплекс рассмотрен на заседании кафедры иностранных языков естественных факультетов. Утверждено проректором по УР.

ОТВЕТСТВЕННЫЙ РЕДАКТОР: Е.Г. Брунова, доктор филол. наук, профессор кафедры иностранных языков естественных факультетов ТюмГУ

РЕЦЕНЗЕНТЫ: Е.Н. Абдразакова, канд. филол. наук, ст. преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков естественных факультетов ТюмГУ

А.Б. Кутузов, канд. филол. наук, доцент кафедры перевода и переводоведения факультета романно-германской филологии ТюмГУ

© ГОУ ВПО Тюменский государственный университет, 2010.

© Е.Ю. Шутова, 2010

Тесты предназначаются для студентов первого курса естественнонаучных специальностей и направлений, начинающих изучать английский язык. Основная задача предложенных вариантов заданий – систематизация знаний по грамматике, необходимых для овладения устной речью в пределах программы. Рекомендуется для самостоятельной и аудиторной работы со студентами.

В сборник включены проверочные задания для контроля усвоения грамматического материала студентами.

В УМК входит одиннадцать тестов, посвященных таким основным грамматическим темам как: глаголы to be, have/has got: структура there + be; местоимения (pronouns); сравнение употребления настоящего простого и настоящего длительного времени в активном залоге (Present Simple and Present Continuous); сравнение употребления прошедшего простого и прошедшего длительного времени в активном залоге (Past Simple and Past Continuous); сравнение употребления прошедшего простого и настоящего совершенного времени в активном залоге (Past Simple and Present Perfect); модальные глаголы (Modals); степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий (Comparisons); артикли (Articles); способы выражения будущего времени (Future Tenses); предлоги (Prepositions); пассивный залог (Passive Voice). Каждый тест содержит два варианта заданий. Каждый вариант включает 25 заданий. Всего в тестах 550 заданий. Тесты направлены на развитие умений распознавать грамматические формы и использовать их в устной и письменной речи. Характер изложения заданий, в которых раскрываются аналоги грамматических структур двух языковых систем, позволяют студентам широко использовать данный УМК для самостоятельного контроля усвоения грамматического учебного материала. Формат данных тестовых материалов позволяет их использовать не только для традиционного, но и для электронного контроля знаний.


  1. Глаголы (To be, have/has got; структура there + be)

  2. Местоимения (Pronouns)

  3. Настоящее простое и настоящее длительное время (The Present Simple and The Present Continuous Tenses)

  4. Прошедшее простое и прошедшее длительное время (The Past Simple and The Past Continuous Tenses)

  5. Прошедшее простое и настоящее совершенное время (The Past Simple and The Present Perfect Tenses)

  6. Модальные глаголы (Modals)

  7. Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий (Comparisons)

  8. Артикли (Articles)

  9. Способы выражения будущего времени (Future Tenses)

  10. Предлоги (Prepositions)

  11. Пассивный залог английского глагола (The Passive Voice)

To be, there + be, have/has got
Variant 1
Choose the correct answer:

1. My mum ___ born in 1969.

1) will be

2) was

3) is

4) were
2. I ___ painting now.

1) was

2) are

3) am

4) were
3. We ___ students at the moment.

1) are

2) were

3) was

4) is
4. Who ___ singing now?

1) is

2) was

3) be

4) were
5. Look, there ___ my books on the desk.

1) is

2) was

3) were

4) are
6. Do you know these men? What ___ their names?

1) are

2) were

3) was

4) will be

7. What ___ your favourite color?

1) were

2) are

3) is

4) am
8. How old ___ you?

1) are

2) is

3) was

4) were

9. ___ there letters in the box?

1) Are

2) Is

3) Was

4) Will be

10. There ___ many birds on the roof.

1) are

2) is

3) was

4) be
11. Many years ago there ___ many dinosaurs on the Earth.

1) are

2) is

3) was

4) were
12. There ___ some lessons in English next week.

1) are

2) is

3) will be

4) were
13. ___ there any lessons yesterday?

1) Are

2) Is

3) Were

4) Was
14. There ___ much snow this winter.

1) are

2) is

3) was

4) were
15. There ___ some interesting news today.

1) are

2) is

3) was

4) were
16. ___ there any food in our home?

1) Are

2) Is

3) Be

4) Were
17. William likes animals. He ___ a dog.

1) have got

2) has got

3) haven't got

4) hasn't got

18. We ___ many lessons every day.

1) have got

2) has got

3) had got

4) hasn't got

19. I am poor. I ___ much money.

1) have got

2) has got

3) haven't got

4) hasn't got
20. Mr. and Mrs. Hamburger ___ two children, a boy and a girl.

1) have got

2) has got

3) haven't got

4) hasn't got
21. My friend is popular. He ___ many friends.

1) have got

2) has got

3) haven't got

4) hasn't got
22. I am tired. I ___ many problems.

1) have got

2) has got

3) haven't got

4) hasn't got
23. David Backham ___ much money.

1) have got

2) has got

3) haven't got

4) hasn't got
24. I met a hooligan. I ___a mobile phone now.

1) have got

2) has got

3) haven't got

4) hasn't got
25. It is a powerful computer. It ___ many functions.

1) have got

2) has got

3) haven't got

4) hasn't got
Variant 2
Choose the correct answer:
1. My aunt ___ born in 1971.

1) was

2) were

3) is

4) are
2. I ___a student now.

1) was

2) are

3) is

4) am
3. We ___ good friends.

1) are

2) was

3) is

4) am
4. Where ___ my friend?

1) are

2) were

3) be

4) is
5. These ___ my boots.

1) is

2) are

3) was

4) be
6. What ___ your name?

1) are

2) was

3) is

4) am
7. How ___ you?

1) is

2) are

3) was

4) were
8. I ___ fine.

1) is

2) was

3) am

4) are

9. There ___a telegram on the table.

1) are

2) is

3) was

4) were
10. ___ there any letters from my mother?

1) Are

2) Is

3) Was

4) Be
11. There ___ much snow last winter.

1) are

2) is

3) was

4) were
12. There ___ a lamp on the table.

1) are

2) is

3) was

4) were
13. ___ there any telegram from Moscow?

1) Are

2) Is

3) Be

4) Were
14. Soon there ___ a new film on.

1) are

2) is

3) was

4) were
15. There ___ the bank in the centre of the town.

1) are

2) is

3) be

4) were
16. There ___ photo albums.

1) are

2) is

3) was

4) be
17. They like animals. They ___ three dogs and two cats.

1) haven't got

2) had got

3) have got

4) has got

18. Sarah ___ a car. She goes everywhere by bicycle.

1) haven't got

2) hasn't got

3) have got

4) has got
19. Everybody likes Tom. He ___ a lot of friends.

1) hadn't got

2) hasn't got

3) have got

4) has got
20. I am rich. I ___ a lot of money.

1) haven't got

2) hasn't got

3) have got

4) has got
21. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson ___ two children, a boy and a girl.

1) haven't got

2) hasn't got

3) have got

4) has got
22. It's a nice town. It ___ a very nice shopping center.

1) haven't got

2) hasn't got

3) have got

4) has got
23. “What's wrong?” “I ___ something in my eye.”

1) haven't got

2) hasn't got

3) have got

4) has got
24. I can't open the door. I ___ a key.

1) haven't got

2) hasn't got

3) hadn’t got

4) has got
25. “Where's my newspaper?” “I don't know. I ___ it.”

1) haven't got

2) hasn't got

3) have got

4) has got

Variant 1
Choose the correct answer:

1. Where’s Simon? ___ is in the kitchen.

1) She

2) I

3) He

4) We
2. I’ve written a letter to ___.

1) she

2) her

3) me

4) it
3. What did those people want? ___ asked ___ to help ___.

1) They, me, them

2) Them, I, they

3) Them, me, they

4) They, I, they

4. Have you seen Simon today? Yes, ___ saw ___ this morning.

1) me, he

2) I, him

3) me, him

4) I, he
5. There’s someone at the door. Who is it? ___ is Peter.

1) He

2) She

3) It

4) They
6. Peter and ___ are going out this evening.

1) mine

2) I

3) them

4) it
7. ___ are going to the cinema.

1) She

2) He

3) I

4) We
8. Where are my keys? I put ___ on the table.

1) he

2) him

3) them

4) his

9. What did you think of the film, Simon? ___ enjoyed ___ very much.

1) I, it

2) me, it

3) he, his

4) I, his

10. ___ car wasn’t as expensive as ___ .

1) Mine, her

2) My, hers

3) Mine, hers

4) My, her
11. ___ flat isn’t as big as ___ .

1) Ours, theirs

2) Our, their

3) Ours, their

4) Our, theirs
12. You can wash __own dirty clothes yourself!

1) my

2) your

3) his

4) her
13. He’s always using my shampoo. Why doesn’t he buy ___ ?

1) his own

2) my own

3) her own

4) your own
14. We helped them move the piano. They couldn’t have done in on ___ .

1) my own

2) their own

3) his own

4) her own
15. Sue’s children are too young to look after ___ .

1) themself

2) himself

3) themselves

4) itself
16. I don’t need any help. I can take care of ___ .

1) yourself

2) myself

3) themselves

4) mine
17. Sarah and I didn’t really enjoy ___ at the disco last night.

1) themselves

2) ours

3) themself

4) ourselves

18. They’re good friends. They like ___ very much.

1) themselves

2) each other

3) ourselves

4) myself

19. Can I have ___ potatoes, please?

1) anything

2) some

3) much

4) nothing
20. He lost ___ in the Fire. His house and all his possession were burnt.

1) everything

2) something

3) anything

4) nothing
21. It’s a secret. ___ knows about it.

1) Everybody

2) Nothing

3) Anybody

4) Nobody
22. There isn’t ___ watching TV at the moment.

1) everybody

2) somebody

3) anybody

4) nobody
23. ___ house is much bigger then ___.

1) They, we

2) Their, ours

3) They, my

4) Their, us
24. Who wants a cup of coffee? ___ .

1) Me

2) My

3) Mine

4) Myself
25. Who painted ___ flat?   Nobody. ___ painted it ___.

1) your, They, ourselves

2) you, We, we

3) your, I, myself

4) his, They, themselves
Variant 2
Choose the correct answer:
1. He asked me to help ___.

1) he

2) I

3) him

4) they
2. They invited ___ to the party.

1) us

2) I

3) he

4) she
3. Is it your book? ___ .

1) Yes, my.

2) Yes, it is mine book.

3) Yes, it is mine.

4) Yes, it my.
4. I have ___ friends.

1) much

2) many

3) any

4) somebody
5. He hasn't ___ money.

1) much

2) many

3) few

4) a few
6. Have you got ___ milk?

1) some

2) something

3) any

4) anything
7. We bought ___ new books.

1) any

2) us

3) me

4) some
8. They didn’t write___ at the lesson.

1) something

2) anything

3) nothing

4) anybody

9. He has hurt ___ .

1) himself

2) he

3) herself

4) yourself

10. The students didn’t learnt ___ interesting there.

1) nobody

2) nothing

3) anything

4) something
11. ___ very cold today.

1) All

2) Everywhere

3) Its

4) It's
12. Don't wash your hair with that shampoo. It's ___ .

1) mine

2) he

3) your

4) my
13. This is ___ car.

1) hers

2) her

3) you

4) he
14. Have you seen ___ good films recently?

1) any

2) some

3) few

4) a little
15. I don't want ___ to drink.

1) some

2) any

3) anything

4) few
16. She didn't tell ___ about her plans.

1) nobody

2) anybody

3) nothing

4) no
17. Give ___ your phone, please.

1) me

2) yours

3) she

4) his

18. How ___ cheese do we need?

1) many

2) much

3) long

4) any
19. How___ work did you do last night? ___ , I went to the cinema.

1) much, any

2) many, no

3) much, none

4) many, some

20. He has ___ books at home.

1) little

2) much

3) any

4) few
21. That’s not Mary’s room. ___ room is next to the living room.

1) Her

2) She

3) Hers

4) His
22. She made the cake ___ .

1) yourself

2) himself

3) herself

4) myself
23. We have ___ time, so we can't go with you.

1) many

2) few

3) a few

4) no
24. Will you go ___ in summer?

1) any

2) anywhere

3) somewhere

4) some
25. I don’t need any help. I can take care of ___ .

1) yourself

2) myself

3) themselves

4) mine
Present Simple and Present Continuous
Variant 1
Choose the correct answer:
1. She usually ___ the bus to school.

1) catches

2) catch

3) is catching

4) was catching
2. My brother ___ tennis every Saturday.

1) play

2) plays

3) is playing

4) was playing
3. What is the noise? Jane ___ in the next room.

1) sing

2) sings

3) is singing

4) are singing
4. Linda ___ in Los Angeles all her life.

1) live

2) lives

3) is living

4) are living
5. My granny is in the kitchen. She ___ cakes.

1) cook

2) cooks

3) is cooking

4) are cooking
6. Fred ___ English well.

1) speak

2) speaks

3) is speaking

4) are speaking
7. Look! Douglas ___ baseball for his University team.

1) play

2) plays

3) is playing

4) are playing
8. John and Jack ___ test now.

1) write

2) is writing

3) are writing

4) is writing

9. ___ he drive to work every day?

1) Does

2) Is driving

3) Are

4) Do
10. I usually ___ tea for breakfast.

1) drink

2) drinks

3) am drinking

4) is drinking

11. The train ___ at 6 in the evening.

1) arrives

2) is arriving

3) arrive

4) are arriving
12. It___ now.

1) rains

2) is raining

3) rain

4) are raining
13. She ___ tennis well.

1) isn’t playing

2) doesn't play

3) don't play

4) isn’t play
14. Look! He ___ .

1) is swimming

2) swim

3) swims

4) are swimming
15. ___ to her friend?

1) Does this house belong

2) Are this house belonging

3) Do this house belong

4) Does this house belongs
16. I ___ the rule now.

1) understand

2) understands

3) am understanding

4) is understanding
17. This flower ___ well.

1) smells

2) are smelling

3) smell

4) is smelling

18. Look at Mary! She ___ flowers.

1) smell

2) smells

3) is smelling

4) has smelling

19. What ___ in the kitchen, Chris? We are waiting for you in the garden.

1) do you

2) are you doing

3) you do

4) you are doing
20. The family ___ dinner now.

1) is having

2) have

3) has

4) are having
21.She ___ what you said.

1) isn’t understanding

2) don’t understanding

3) doesn’t understand

4) don’t understand
22. Be quiet. The baby ___ .

1) sleeps

2) is sleeping

3) sleep

4) are sleeping
23. My brother ___ tennis every Saturday.

1) play

2) plays

3) is playing.

4) are playing
24. Water ___ at 100 degrees Celsius.

1) are boiled

2) is boiling

3) boil

4) boils
25. The water ___ . Can you turn it off?

1) are boiled

2) is boiling

3) boil

4) boils
Variant 2
Choose the correct answer:
1. In Britain the banks usually ___ at 9.30 in the morning.

1) open

2) opens

3) opened

4) opening
2. The City Museum ___ at 5 o'clock in the evening.

1) closing

2) close

3) closes

4) is closing
3. Tina is a teacher. She ___ mathematics to young children.

1) teaches

2) teach

3) is teaching

4) taught
4. My job is very interesting. I ___ a lot of people.

1) meet

2) is meeting

3) meets

4) meeting
5. Peter ___ his hair twice a week.

1) wash

2) washes

3) washed

4) was washing
6. Food is expensive. It ___ a lot of money.

1) cost

2) costing

3) is costing

4) costs
7. Shoes are expensive. They ___ a lot of money.

1) cost

2) costing

3) is costing

4) costs
8. ___ from Monday to Friday?

1) Do she work

2) Is she working

3) Does she work

4) Has she work

9. Julia and I are good friends. I ___ her and she ___ me.

1) likes, like

2) liking, likes

3) is liking, like

4) like, likes

10. Let's go out. It ___ now.

1) isn’t raining

2) wasn’t raining

3) not rain

4) not raining
11. Julia is very good at languages. She ___ four languages very well.

1) spoke

2) speak

3) speaks

4) spoken
12. Hurry up! Everybody ___ for you.

1) is wait

2) is waiting

3) are waiting

4) is waiting
13 ___ to the radio?' 'No, you can turn it off.'

1) Is you listen

2) Are you listening

3) Do you listen

4) Do you listening
14. ___ to the radio every day?' 'No, just occasionally.'

1) Do you listen

2) Are you listening

3) Is you listening

4) Does you listen
15. The River Nile ___ into the Ocean.

1) flow

2) flows

3) is flown

4) flowing
16. The river ___ very fast today - much faster than usual.

1) flow

2) is flowing

3) are flows

4) flows
17. We usually grow vegetables in our garden, but this year we ___ any.

1) are not growing

2) is not growing

3) don’t grow

4) doesn’t grow

18. A: How's your English?

B: Not bad. I think it ___ slowly.

1) improve

2) is improving

3) improves

4) improving
19. Rachel is in London at the moment. ___ at the Park Hotel?

1) Is she staying

2) Does she stay

3) Are she stays

4) Is she stay
20. She always ___ there when she's in London.

1) stay

2) stays

3) is staying

4) are stays
21. ___ what I mean?

1) Do you see

2) Is you seeing

3) Are you seeing

4) Do you sees
22. Ssh! ___ to the radio.

1) I am listening

2) I listen

3) I listening

4) I listens
23. ___ this painting?

1) Do you like

2) Are you liking

3) Do you liking

4) Have you like
24. You are very quiet. What ___ about?

1) do you think

2) is you thinking

3) are you thinking

4) do you thinking
25. Who ___ in that beautiful house?

1) live

2) lives

3) is living

4) are living
Past Simple and Past Continuous
Variant 1
Choose the correct answer:
1. At three o’clock yesterday afternoon Mike and his son ___ the dog.

1) was washing

2) washed

3) were washing

4) were washed
2. Princess Diana ___ a lot of countries.

1) visiting

2) was visited

3) visited

4) was visiting
3. Mother ___the window twice last week.

1) cleaning

2) was cleaning

3) has cleaning

4) cleaned
4. Did you ___ the film on TV last night?

1) watch

2) watched

3) watching

4) have watch
5. At nine o’clock yesterday morning, the plane ___ to Tahiti from New York.

1) was flying

2) flying

3) was flied

4) flied
6. I played tennis yesterday but I ___ win.

1) do not

2) does not

3) did not

4) was not
7. Yesterday he ___ to work by car.

1) was going

2) went

3) was went

4) going
8. ___ shopping when I saw you yesterday morning?

1) Did you go

2) Were you going

3) Was you going

4) Did you went

9. I ___my teeth three times yesterday.

1) cleaned

2) clean

3) was cleaning

4) was cleaned

10. Did she ___ to the theatre last week?

1) go

2) went

3) going

4) was going
11. I ___ at home from work when it began to snow.

1) walked

2) was walking

3) was walked

4) walk
12. What ___ when the phone rang?

1) did you do

2) does you do

3) were you doing

4) are you doing
13. It ___ when we went out.

1) raining

2) rained

3) was raining

4) rain
14. When ___ acting?

1) was you starting

2) was you start

3) did you start

4) did you started
15. He ___ home early yesterday in the evening because he felt ill.

1) go

2) was going

3) gone

4) went
16. I ___ a noise, so I went to see what it was.

1) heard

2) hear

3) was hearing

4) hearing
17. The party ___ very good, so we didn’t stay long.

1) was not

2) did not

3) were not

4) do not

18. We ___ a lot of work yesterday.

1) did

2) do

3) was doing

4) doing
19. The party ___ at midnight.

1) was finishing

2) was finished

3) finished

4) finish

20. Caroline ___ to the cinema three times last week.

1) was going

2) was gone

3) went

4) go
21. What ___ at 11.30 yesterday?

1) did you do

2) were you doing

3) did you doing

4) had you done
22. I saw Barbara but I didn’t ___ Jane.

1) see

2) saw

3) seen

4) seeing
23. She __ TV last night.

1) watched

2) was watching

3) has watched

4) watching
24. She ___ the room an hour ago.

1) was cleaning

2) clean

3) cleaned

4) has cleaned
25. In 1985 we ___ in Canada for 3 month.

1) was living

2) were living

3) leaved

4) have leaved
Variant 2
Choose the correct answer:
1. It ___ heavily while I ran for the bus.

1) rained

2) was raining

3) raining

4) was rained
2. ___ lunch when the fire alarm rang?

1) Did you eat

2) Did you eating

3) Were you eating

4) Was you eat
3. The students ___ when the teacher walked into the room.

1) stopped talking

2) talking

3) were stopping talking

4) were stopped talking
4. We ___ to the car to keep dry when it started to rain.

1) ran

2) were runned

3) was ran

4) were running
5. The train arrived into the station and we ___ on the platform.

1) went

2) was going

3) gone

4) were go
6. What ___ when the dog ran into the room? - I was cooking.

1) did you do

2) were you doing

3) do you do

4) was you do
7. While I was watching TV, someone ___ on the window.

1) knocked

2) was knocking

3) were knock

4) was knock
8. I ___ a bath when the phone rang last night.

1) had

2) was having

3) was had

4) were having

9. ___ to me? - Yes. You asked me if I had done my homework.

1) Did you listen

2) Were you listening

3) Did you listening

4) Were you listen

10. It was a beautiful day. The sun ___ and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky.

1) shone

2) was shining

3) were shine

4) shine
11. I ___ a book when she sent me an SMS.

1) read

2) was reading

3) were read

4) reading
12. We ___ a picnic when it began to rain.

1) had

2) were had

3) were having

4) have
13. He ___ his leg while riding his bike at the weekend.

1) was break

2) broke

3) breaking

4) was breaking
14. When you called last night I ___ my homework.

1) did

2) do

3) was doing

4) were do
15. How fast ___ when the accident happened?

1) did he drive

2) was he driving

3) did he driving

4) was he drive
16. What ___ when the dog ran into the room? - I jumped out of the window.

1) did you do

2) do you did

3) were you doing

4) were you do
17. No wonder she fell off her bike. She ___ where she was going.

1) didn’t look

2) wasn’t look

3) didn’t look

4) wasn’t looking

18. When ___ the accident? - As he was climbing up the ladder.

1) did he have

2) do he have

3) was he having

4) was he have

19. My friend ___ for me when I arrived late.

1) didn`t wait

2) didn`t waiting

3) wasn`t waiting

4) wasn`t wait
20. Not many people ___ personal cars in the 1950s.

1) had

2) was having

3) were having

4) have
21. When I was young I ___ to be a pilot.

1) was wanting

2) were want

3) wanted

4) wanting
22. He told me that he ___ at his diploma for several months.

1) was working

2) worked

3) were worked

4) was working
23. His parents ___ all the time.

1) were quarreling

2) quarreled

3) was quarreled

4) quarreling
24. From six to seven I ___ dinner.

1) cooking

2) cooked

3) was cooking

4) were cook
25. He couldn't believe in what he ___ and ___.

1) were see, hear

2) were seeing, hear

3) saw, heard

4) seeing, hearing

Past Simple and Present Perfect
Variant 1
Choose the correct answer:
1. When ___ the school?

1) have you joined

2) did you joined

3) did you join

4) have you ever joined
2. I would like to visit Prague sometime. Unfortunately, I ___ there.

1) will never be

2) have never been

3) was never

4) has been
3. That's the best speech I ___

1) never heard

2) didn't hear

3) heard

4) have ever heard
4. Jack ___ in Boston for the past 15 years.

1) lives

2) lived

3) has lived

4) has live
5. I___ to him last week.

1) spoke

2) have already spoken

3) haven’t spoke

4) speaked
6. We ___ a contract last year.

1) have signed

2) signed

3) haven't signed

4) have sign
7. I ___ back from a business trip to France last weekend.

1) come

2) came

3) never came

4) have just come
8. Can you help me? I ___ my homework, but I still don't understand exercise number 7.

1) finished

2) don't finish

3) have finished

4) finish

9. Dad, ___ reading the paper yet?

1) have you finished

2) are you finishing

3) did you finish

4) has you finish

10. I can't believe that you ___ the news.

1) haven't read

2) didn't read

3) don't read

4) read not
11. My car ___ down. I can't drive home.

1) has broken

2) broke

3) have broken

4) broken
12. I ___ her since my childhood.

1) know

2) have known

3) knew

4) has known
13. You are too late! The program ___ at least two hours ago.

1) has started

2) have started

3) starts

4) started
14. My tape-recorder ___ out of order for a long time. Let us take yours.

1) has been

2) was

3) was being

4) have been
15. I think I ___ in this theater before.

1) was

2) have been

3) has been

4) was being
16. Just a moment! I ___ of a good idea yet!

1) didn't think

2) haven't thought

3) don't think

4) haven’t think
17. Look! Somebody ___ milk on our new carpet.

1) spilt

2) splited

3) have spilt

4) has spilt

18. She looks young because she ___ weight.

1) lost

2) have lost

3) loses

4) has lost

19. Where ___ you go yesterday morning?

1) had

2) have

3) has

4) did
20. How long ___ at your present address?

1) have you lived

2) did you live

3) do you live

4) lived
21. He started his business last year. He ___ it for 9 months already.

1) has

2) has had

3) had

4) have
22. We haven't gone skiing since we ___ young.

1) has been

2) be

3) have been

4) were
23. I ___ the university last summer, but I haven't decided what second language to choose so far.

1) has entered

2) was entered

3) entered

4) have entered
24. Up to now they ___ three languages.

1) learned

2) have learned

3) learn

4) has learned
25. The television ___ wrong several times during last five months.

1) went

2) has gone

3) was going

4) gave going
Variant 2
Choose the correct answer:
1. Bob and Mary ___ on holiday for a week.

1) were

2) have been

3) has been

4) were being
2. ___ they ever read this book?

1) Has

2) Did

3) Were

4) Have
3. I ___ my hand on a piece of glass. Do you have a Band-Aid?

1) was cutting

2) cut

3) have cut

4) cutted
4. I bought a new computer last week, but it ___ .

1) hasn't worked

2) didn't work

3) don't work

4) worked not
5. I ___ very well last night. There was loud music coming from a house down the road.

1) wasn't sleeping

2) didn't sleep

3) haven't slept

4) didn't slept
6. I went to the school dance last Friday, but I ___ it very much.

1) didn't enjoyed

2) don't enjoy

3) didn't enjoy

4) haven't enjoyed
7. My math teacher wasn't happy yesterday. I ___ to bring my calculator to class.

1) was forgetting

2) forgot

3) have forgotten

4) forget
8. Have you seen my pencil? It was here a minute ago and now ___.

1) it went

2) it have gone

3) it has gone

4) it was going

9. I ___ anything since breakfast so I feel very thirsty now.

1) wasn't drinking

2) haven't drunk

3) didn't drink

4) don't drink

10. I was in a big hurry so I ___ no time to phone you.

1) have had

2) have

3) was having

4) had
11. Who ___ the thermometer?

1) invents

2) has invented

3) invented

4) invent
12. I ___ my foot playing tennis last week, and now I can hardly walk.

1) injured

2) have injured

3) injure

4) was injuring
13. I like your watch. How long ___ it?

1) you have

2) are you having

3) have you had

4) did you have
14. "Where's Mum?" - " ___ to the library!"

1) She is going

2) She goes

3) She went

4) She has gone
15. Have you ever ridden a horse? - No, but I ___ a camel when I visited Egypt last year.

1) was riding

2) rode

3) have ridden

4) ride
16. I tried to find you before school today. ___.

1) Where have you been?

2) Where were you?

3) Where did you be?

4) Where was you?
17. That's a lovely scarf! Where ___ it?

1) did you buy

2) have you bought

3) do you buy

4) you buy

18. I ___ to the cinema since I came to UK.

1) haven't been

2) went not

3) didn't be

4) hasn't been

19. ___ my pen? I can't find it anywhere?

1) Did you seen

2) Have you seen

3) Did you see

4) You seen
20. My elder sister ___ a baby. She's going to call it James.

1) had

2) has had

3) was having

4) has
21. I ___ late for school again yesterday in the morning. The teacher was not happy!

1) am arriving

2) have arrived

3) arrive

4) arrived
22. I ___ very well since I bought a new bed. I don't find it very comfortable.

1) haven't sleep

2) haven't slept

3) didn't sleep

4) was sleeping
23. Ann ___ in London since 1999.

1) has not been

2) did not be

3) have not been

4) was not being
24. Tom ___ breakfast this morning because he didn’t have any time.

1) was not eating

2) had not eaten

3) did not eat

4) have not eaten
25. Margaret didn’t wear her shoes; she was barefoot. She ___ on a piece of broken glass and cut her foot.

1) stepped

2) had stepped

3) was stepping

4) have stepped
Variant 1
Choose the correct answer:
1. The cruise ship is ___ of all.

1) the biggest

2) big

3) bigger

4) biggest
2. Bob is ___ than Mary.

1) short

2) shorter

3) the shortest

4) more shorter
3. Your car is ___ than mine.

1) the expensivest

2) the most expensive

3) more expensive

4) expensiver
4. Mike is ___ of all.

1) the tallest

2) the most tallest

3) the taller

4) taller
5. This task is ___ than the other one.

1) more difficult

2) difficulter

3) the most difficult

4) the difficult
6. This sound is ___ I’ve ever heard.

1) the loudest

2) louder

3) loud

4) the more loud
7. That singer is very ___.

1) popular

2) popularest

3) the most popular

4) popularer
8. ___ a car is, ___ it is to park..

1) Smaller, easier

2) The smaller, the easier

3) The smallest, the easiest

4) Small, easy

9. Sometimes I feel my English is getting ___ .

1) worse

2) the worst

3) bad

4) the most worst

10. This is ___ way to the station.

1) the shortest

2) short

3) shorter

4) the most short
11. This highway is ___ than that highway.

1) wider

2) widerest

3) wide

4) the most wider
12. That is ___ building in the city.

1) the highest

2) higher

3) the most high

4) higerest
13. This subject is ___ for you now.

1) the most important

2) the much important

3) the worst important

4) better important
14. It is ___ book I have ever read.

1) the interestest

2) less interesting

3) more interesting

4) the most interesting
15. This text is ___ than that one.

1) difficult

2) less difficult

3) the most difficult

4) the difficultest
16. This news are ___ than I thought!

1) better

2) gooder

3) the goodest

4) the bestest
17. She is ___ than my sister.

1) oldest

2) older

3) the most oldest

4) the oldest

18. My ___ brother graduated from Moscow University.

1) elder

2) oldest

3) the oldest

4) the most older

19. ___ house is the library.

1) Near

2) Nearer

3) The nearest

4) The most near
20. Who is ___ footballer in Europe?

1) better

2) the best

3) the most

4) less
21. The weather is ___ today.

1) the much better

2) gooder

3) much better

4) best
22. The ___ the better.

1) sooner

2) soonest

3) more soon

4) most soonest
23. This was ___ watch that they had in the shop..

1) the cheapest

2) more cheap

3) cheaper

4) the most cheapest
24. Volvo is ___ than Lada.

1) safe

2) safer

3) safest

4) the most safe
25. I think that was one of ___ days of my life.

1) the worst

2) bad

3) worse

4) less
Variant 2
Choose the correct answer:
1. The yacht is ___ than the speedboat.

1) bigger

2) more big

3) more bigger

4) biggest
2. Lessy is ___ dog in the world.

1) more attentive

2) the most attentive

3) attentivest

4) attentiver
3. This lesson is ___ than yesterday.

1) difficult

2) difficulter

3) more difficult

4) the most difficult
4. Hip-hop is ___ than Rock.

1) more popular

2) popularer

3) popularest

4) popular
5. Unix is___ than Windows.

1) safer

2) safest

3) more safe

4) safe
6. I think that was one of ___ days of my life.

1) the worst

2) bad

3) worse

4) less
7. He is one of ___ people I know.

1) the most stupid

2) more stupid

3) the stupidest

4) less stupid
8. I don’t understand why the study is ___ in our life!

1) the most important

2) more important

3) most important

4) better important

9. Was the exam as ___ as you’d expected?

1) more difficult

2) difficult

3) less difficult

4) the most difficult

10. He is much ___ any of his brothers.

1) more dangerous than

2) most dangerous than

3) dangerous than

4) dangerous
11. I live in the ___ city of Russia.

1) best

2) most good

3) most best

4) good
12. The weather is ___ today.

1) the much better

2) well

3) much better

4) more well
13. December is ___ than August.

1) colder

2) more cold

3) coldest

4) cold
14. Today, I feel ___ than yesterday.

1) weaker

2) more weak

3) weak

4) weakest
15. It is ___ book, than I read earlier.

1) the interestest

2) interester

3) interesting

4) more interesting
16. I hate ___ weather.

1) winder

2) windy

3) windest

4) more wind
17. I don’t read this book, it is ___ of all.

1) the most boring

2) boringest

3) more boring

4) boring

18. My brother got up ___ than I did.

1) early

2) earlier

3) more earlier

4) more early

19. My sister is ___ than I.

1) cleverer

2) more clever

3) the most clever

4) clever
20. This picture is ___ in this gallery.

1) beautiful

2) more beautiful

3) the most beautiful

4) worse beautiful
21. England is ___ than Wales.

1) more larger

2) larger

3) large

4) more large
22. My father is ___ than my mother.

1) older

2) old

3) more old

4) more older
23. Lisa works in ___ museum in Russia.

1) the most famous

2) more famous

3) the famousest

4) famoust
24. He paid ___ than you for the ticket.

1) less

2) least

3) worst

4) worse
25. This is ___ way to the station.

1) the shortest

2) short

3) shorter

4) the most short
Variant 1
Choose the correct answer:
1. Jack ___ play football since childhood.

1) must

2) should

3) need

4) can

2. ___ I ask you?

1) Must

2) Should

3) Have

4) May

3. Steven ___ read and write until he was seven years old.

1) must

2) can

3) could not

4) could

4. You’ve been reading all day. You ___ be tired.

1) can

2) could

3) must

4) should

5. Jack ___ go to hospital yesterday.

1) can

2) had to

3) need

4) will

6. I recommend you to apologize. You ___ apologize.

1) would

2) should

3) must

4) shall

7. ___ I have one of these cakes?

1) Could

2) Must

3) Have to

4) May

8. ___ you speak any foreign languages?

1) May

2) Can

3) Have

4) Might

9. His suggestion may be of little value, but you ___ discuss it all the same.

1) may

2) need

3) might

4) should

10. I went to the doctor yesterday and I ___ wait for an hour.

1) had to

2) must

3) should

4) can

11. Hello, ___ I speak to Tom, please?

1) shall

2) will

3) can

4) would

12. If you want to become a teacher, you ___ go to the college.

1) may

2) should

3) have to

4) must

13. Sue ___ be able to help them.

1) can

2) have to

3) were to

4) shall

14. You ___ cross the road without looking first. It’s dangerous.

1) need not

2) must not

3) must

4) can not

15. I’ll ___ go now. My friends are waiting.

1) may

2) can

3) have to

4) be able to
16. I ___ to work tomorrow.

1) must

2) should

3) could

4) have

17. You ___ give your grandparents more attention.

1) would

2) may

3) ought to

4) has to

18. We haven’t got much time. We ___ hurry.

1) must

2) needn’t

3) can

4) had to

19. ___ you speak slowly, please?

1) Must

2) Could

3) May

4) Should

20. I ___ leave the party early last night. I wasn’t very well.

1) have to

2) was to

3) had to

4) must

21. I ___ only listen to my radio when my mother was not at home.

1) did

2) may

3) can

4) could

22. ___ you help me carry this downstairs?

1) May

2) Should

3) Must

4) Could

23. Jane was so tired. She ___ have slept for a week.

1) could

2) should

3) would

4) must

24. My grandfather ___ speak six languages many years ago.

1) should

2) shall

3) could

4) need
25. ___ you like a cup of coffee?

1) Will

2) Could

3) Would

4) Should
Variant 2
Choose the correct answer:
1. ___ you speak any foreign languages?

1) May

2) Can

3) Have

4) Must
2. Liz ___ get tired of her job. It is so boring.

1) has to

2) must

3) should

4) can
3. Where's Nick? He ___ be in his office.

1) might

2) mustn't

3) has to

4) shall
4.Take an umbrella. It ___ rain later.

1) has to

2) need

3) might

4) have to
5. Jack ___ go to hospital yesterday.

1) must

2) had to

3) need

4) would
6. You look tired. You ___ go to bed.

1) should

2) ought

3) are to

4) may
7. You ___ do it. I've already done it.

1) must not

2) need not

3) ought not

4) may
8. That’s impossible! That ___ be the truth!

1) must not

2) may not

3) can not

4) would not

9. ___ we stay or leave?

1) Will

2) Would

3) Shall

4) Can
10. Jane was so tired. She ___ have worked days and nights.

1) should

2) must

3) need

4) can
11. Where ___ we meet?

1) may

2) had to

3) shall

4) would
12. But I ___ have read it last year.

1) mayn't

2) couldn't

3) can't

4) haven’t

13.There were many long words which I ___ understand.

1) couldn't

2) can't

3) aren't able to

4) mayn’t
14. When you receive the new books ___I try to read one of them?

1) must

2) could

3) might

4) would
15. I ___ understand why you won't let me.

1) couldn't

2) can't

3) mayn't

4) have to
16. Can you find your way to the hotel? Yes I ___ .

1) could

2) am able

3) can

4) may
17. Can you pronounce my name properly? I ___ if you would speak more slowly.

1) could

2) may

3) can

4) would

18. Are you strong enough to lift that box.? Yes, I ___ .

1) could

2) am

3) can

4) do
19. Will you speak more clearly please? I ___ hardly hear you at all.

1) could

2) can

3) can't

4) must
20. I ___ only listen to my radio when my mother was not at home.

1) did

2) can

3) could

4) would
21. Can you fix my car today? Yes, I ___ .

1) may

2) could

3) can

4) must
22. You haven’t eaten all day. You ___ be hungry.

1) must

2) could

3) can

4) may
23. He tried very hard, but he ___ swim back to the boat.

1) can’t

2) couldn’t

3) mustn’t

4) mayn’ t

24. I ___ have known when she was coming home because I didn't have a watch.

1) can't

2) couldn't

3) won't

4) mayn’t
25. ___ you just jump?

1) Can't

2) Don't

3) If

4) mayn’t следующая страница >>